Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Linking up with Jen today over at Perfectly Imperfect for Insta+Lately! 
  • Advocare Tex-Mex Chili I made the other night... SO yummy! I've been eating the leftovers for lunch every day and it's STILL delicious! 
  • I started the 10 day Advocare herbal cleanse on Monday and it's gone REALLY well so far! :) It's hardest not drinking my coffee in the AM because I don't want to drink it without my sugar-free creamer. Oh, and not adding any fritos to that DELISH chili. ha! 
  • How my furbaby would prefer to spend her days/nights. No parks or playing for this baby. She just likes to LAY. Anywhere. My lap. Josh's lap. In a bundle of blankets on the couch. Her little crossed paws melt my heart.
  • JCP men's mailer! Pretty cool to see part of my work finally come to life in print! I wasn't responsible for choosing WHAT is featured in this book, only how/when it got to the necessary studio to be shot! 
  • PET PEEVE: This man took up a whole table during happy the bar.... for an HOUR waiting for his "family."  He didn't even order anything. Sorry. End rant. 
  • LOVE LOVE LOVING my combat boots :) I've worn them sooo much lately. Not regretting that $$ spent at all. 
This made me realize how much I need to get on my Instagram game! haha. Maybe better at just taking pictures in general! 

Happy Wednesday! 

1 comment:

  1. So awesome that you are doing the cleanse! Who's your advisor?? I can help you out if you need any info.
    Your chili looks amazing!
    Thanks for linking up!
